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VAC (General)
takahiro.yamamoto - 2:59 Friday 10 January 2025 (32290) Print this report
Comment to Slack notification about closing GVs (32289)

I tried to reproduced a change in the pressure value (KGRVAC:CCG_BSY_01:VAL:PRESS) after it became larger than the threshold of guardian notification from the guardian log (See Fig.1).
Log is recorded only when pressure value was larger than the threshold of guardian notification and pressure value is changed, so sampling interval is not a constant value.

Guardian threshold was set as 8.0e-6Pa in klog#32116. The first log appears at 10:55:35.885674 JST. That is, the time when the pressure value first reached the Guardian threshold. Interlock threshold which was shown as red line in Fig.1 was set as 9.4e-6Pa in klog#32173. Readout value first reached interlock threshold at 10:57:52.902407 JST. It took 147s to increase from 8.0e-6Pa (Guardina threshold) to 9.4e-6Pa (interlock threshold). Fig.2 is a same plot with longer duration. Attached text file is an original guardian logs used to make these plots.

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