I took the TCam photos for four mirrors at 8:25~8:30 before Takahashi-san's height adjustment.
I took the TCam photos for four mirrors at 8:25~8:30 before Takahashi-san's height adjustment.
I took the TCam photos for four mirrors at 9:09~9:37 after Takahashi-san's height adjustment. I will check the image.
During my work, I relaunching PlanetaryImager several times (same as klog).I was wondering that taking and transfering two images was big computer load for the server. If so, I can change the script to take image one by one, not two image at the same time. Anyway, I will check it next week.
During my work, accidentally Miyoki-san requested PRFPMI_RF_LOCKED state to the LSC_LOCK guardian... This time there was no issue due to this misoperation. Before touching the interferomter, It's better to check the `Commissioning teamup` or the message on ` VIS overview medm` for safety manner. Takahashi-san and I are putting the working message there.
After my work, I requested the PRFPMI_RF_LOCKED to the LSC_LOCK guardian and left the interferometer.
Here are the image analysis results of the taken images.
Note that "Before" : 2024/12/30 8:25~8:30 and "After" : 2024/12/30 ~11:17