[Uchiyama, Nakagaki]
We have changed the operation thresholds of the center's GV closure devices (3 locations) to the following values.
- [GV BSX & BSY] 9.4e-6 Pa
- [GV ITMX] 7.8e-6 Pa
- [GV ITMY] 6.9e-6 Pa
[Uchiyama, Nakagaki]
We have changed the operation thresholds of the center's GV closure devices (3 locations) to the following values.
[Yamaguchi, Nakagaki]
We have changed the operation thresholds for the GV closure devices at the X and Y ends.
Together with yesterday's work, the set values for each device are as follows
The sensor value of the trigger CC-10 near EXA fluctuates around (0.5~2) x 10^-5 Pa every several seconds. 2x10^-5 Pa was the threshold value for closing.
On the other hand, the CC-10 value at X-27 and at the EXC arma side never fluctuates. So this fluctuation is regarded as fake. Although Uchiyama-kun and Nakagaki-san replaced the electrical part of this CC-10 recently, this fluctuation did not stop. So we need to change its body itself.
The attached figure shows the value from the CC-10 at EXA in Light green. It obviously fluctuated a lot in the past several hours.
I also confirmed that the indicator lamp at EXA GV was RED.
Kimura-san and YamaK-san will go to the KAGRA site, open GV, and set a higher value for the threshold tomorrow.
Please be careful of the actual leak event which will be reported via e-mail because the IM temp reached around 140K.
[Kimura(remote), SawadaH, Nakagaki, Yasui]
We replaced the vacuum gauge at GVexa, and it seems work healty.
1. Connected the new CC-10 to an independent pump unit and confirmed to reach 10^-5 Pa properly.
2. Nakagaki-san checked the power supply cable from interlock system to CC-10 and confirmed that it has no problems.
3. Replaced strange CC-10 to the healthy one(=step1).
4. Performed He leak check.
5. Another CC-10,had previously exhibited strange behavior, was connected to an independent pump unit and confirmed to reach 10^-5 Pa without any problems.
6. Connected the power cable from interlock(=step2) to this CC-10(=Step5) and confirmed that there are no problems.
7. Connected that power cable to the CC-10(=Step3).
8. Pumped down the vacuum gauge by an independent pump unit.
Nakagaki, Yasui
Sorry, the serial communication setting for the CC-10 was incorrect.
We changed the setting as follows:
parity bit 02 -> 00
Currently, the actual vacuum level can be checked via the network.
[Kimura and Yasui]
We changed and confirmed the operating threshold of the alarm contacts within CC-10s for ithe ineterlocks as follows;
GVbsx & GVbsy :8.0 x 10^-6 Pa
GVitmx: 5.9 x 10^-5 Pa
GVitmy: 5.9 x 10^-5 Pa
GVetmy: 5.9 x 10^-5 Pa
As reported K-log(32354), the alarm contacts are designed to operate when the threshold is exceeded.
The threshold of GVetmx will change in this afternoon.
[Kimura and Yasui]
We changed and confirmed the operating threshold of the alarm contacts within CC-10 for the
ineterlock of GVetmx as follows;GVetmx: 5.9 x 10^-5 Pa
[Kimura and Yasui]
We changed and confirmed the operating threshold of the alarm contacts within CC-10 for the ineterlock of GVbsx and GVbsy as follows;
GVbsx & GVbsy: 1.0 x 10^-5 Pa