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takaaki.yokozawa - 9:25 Tuesday 03 December 2024 (31882) Print this report
Trial of the excitation for the fiber resonant frequencies around 180 Hz
I tried to find the method of the resonant frequencies for the sapphire fibers around 180 Hz.
First, I picked up the list of the peaks by my eye (32 s FFT)

Before this work, I turned off the de-whitening filter for TM and IM of the ETMX
I tried to excite by the single sine using the TM L, but no significant excitation can be found.
I also tried to excite by the single sine using the TM P, but no significant excitation can be found.
Then, I tried to excite by the single sine using the IM P, we can see the clear excess in 178.71875 Hz, so IM P excitation would be (one of the) significant method to excite the resonant frequency of the sapphire fibers.

Fig.1. showed the set up for hte awggui to excite around 180 Hz.
Fig.2. - Fig.5 showed the result of excitation for each suspensions

Next : Pick up the frequency, trial of the excitation with other DoF(IM R and so on?)
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hirotaka.yuzurihara - 11:39 Tuesday 03 December 2024 (31884) Print this report

Yamamoto S. Takahiro-san and I are working on making the line monitor. Still, it's under development. Sometimes, I run the analysis manually for the locked data. 

Although I'm not sure the line list is helpful for your work, here are the line lists for the recent locked data and the line width obtained by the fits of Gaussian and Lorentzian.
Note that the frequency resolution of 1/1800 = 0.5mHz. Note that the locked data means the K1:GRD-LSC_LOCK_STATE is more than PRFPMI_RF_LOCKED.

The slide might help you understand the algorithm. [slide] [slide] [slide]  

takaaki.yokozawa - 8:34 Wednesday 04 December 2024 (31893) Print this report
I checked the excess with the reference of the line list by STYamamoto-san and Yuzurihara-san.
Preliminary list for sapphire fiber is attached.
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