Continued from klog31047.
Today, as a continuation from klog31042, the sensing matrix of the remaining degrees of freedom was measured. (It will be posted to klog later)
Using the results, I plotted the Sensingmatrix. I did not plot the results where the coherence of I and Q signals for the Oplev signal was less than 0.5.
And I will upload the results of the cross-check with Ushiba-san to klog later.
(The YAW direction as linear plot: FIG1-FIG4.The PIT direction as linear plot: FIG5-FIG8. The YAW direction as log plot: FIG9-FIG12. The PIT direction as linear plot: FIG13-FIG16. )
The measurement file I referenced is as shown in FIG17.
I saved these results and PDF version in {/users/Commissioning/data/ASC/2024/sensingmatrix/0910/save_plot/}.