[Kenta, Yuzu]
We performed the lockloss investigation of 2024/09/05 14:50:00 JST. We checked the timeseries and found the feedback signal for the DARM is larger than the usual. Just before the lockloss, the feedback signal was -46e+6. As a result, K1:VIS-ETMX_MN_COILOUTF_H1_OUTPUT was saturated (>-32000) (Fig1). We checked the trend of K1:LSC-DARM_OUT_DQ. During the continuous lock more than 3 hours, the DARM feedback signal seems to be drifted (Fig2). We're not sure the cause of the drift.(temperature?)
- We checked the timeseries of several signals.
- ndscope -t '2024/09/05 14:50:00 JST' -w (-3, +0.6) /users/Commissioning/templates/ndscope/PRFPMI_ERR_FBK.yml
- ndscope -t '2024/09/05 14:50:00 JST' -w (-3, +0.6) /users/Commissioning/templates/ndscope/Xarm.yml
- ndscope -t '2024/09/05 14:50:00 JST' -w (-3, +0.6) /users/Commissioning/templates/ndscope/Yarm.yml
- ndscope -t '2024/09/05 14:50:00 JST' -w (-3, +0.6) /users/Commissioning/templates/ndscope/DARM_LOCK.yml
- ndscope -t '2024/09/05 14:50:00 JST' -w (-3, +0.6) /users/Commissioning/templates/ndscope/DARM_LOCK_coils.yml
- Screenshot of LSC_LOCK guardian (Fig3)