Today, I constructed the TCam test bench by adding Baader's prism and three quick releases by Baader (they can be used as the rotator). I demonstrated it in the mine. The details are summarized on the side(JGWdoc).
- Fig1 shows the TCam test bench.
- I checked the size of the expanded camera and confirmed we could install it in the current TCam box.
- The image centers of the two cameras are almost consistent within a few mm (see Fig2). I took the image with the ~30 m distance.
- The newly added prism corporates increase the maintainability. All the components are accessible from one side.
- Initially, we thought we could control the camera's horizontality using the leveler. It might not be easy...
- I also took several images by changing the optical path for the ASI camera.
- Kashima-san (Aogaku) helped with this work during her Kamioka stay.