With Tanaka, Ushiba
We aligned the two beams into the PD used for the PNC-Y control.
The fringe was improved. Because of this improvement, we needed to reduce the PNC loop gain by 7dB to have a stable control.
OLTF was measured after the gain adjustment.
- We checked the fringes before our work. (fig_001 shows one of the example.)
- We used the BS and the mirror in front of the PD to adjust the two beams to have a better interference on the PD. (fig002 shows the BS and mirror we adjusted.)
- We checked the fringes again. (fig_003 shows the result.)
- Closed the loop of PNC-Y, but oscillation was observed.
- Adjusted the gain, and measured the OLTF. (fig_004)
- The gain needed to be reduced by 7dB.
- We just used the overall gain of the filter, but have not made the gain parameter into the filter bank.
- The file is in `/users/Commissioning/data/ALS/2024/TFs/OLTF_PNCY_20240708.xml`