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ryutaro.takahashi - 13:51 Friday 28 June 2024 (30157) Print this report
Present status of implementing the IP controls for Type-A

This is the present status of the implementing the IP controls for Type-A. The inertial sensors consist of the geophones (ACC) and the folded pendulum accelerometers (FLDACC). These signals are blended at 100mHz in the L and T directions. In the Y direction, FLDACCs are not used but only ACCs are used. Phase correction filters were employed to correct the phase deviation from the ideal sensors. The inertial sensors are blended with the LVDTs at 50mHz in the L and T direction and 110mHz in the Y direction except for ETMY owing to the EYA problem. Some inertial sensors employed the correction filters to compensate for the cradle effects.

The high-power coil driver (HPCD) is still used for the FLDACC in ETMX. It should be replaced. Since the ETMY has been recovered, the 50mHz blending will be implemented in ETMY.

  Blend. [mHz] Correction Blend. [mHz] Correction Blend. [mHz] Correction Blend. [mHz] Correction
ACC L 100 HP Phase 100 HP Phase 100 HP Phase 100 HP Phase
ACC T 100 HP Phase 100 HP Phase 100 HP Phase 100 HP Phase
ACC Y Full   Full   Full   Full  
FLDACC L 100 LP Phase 100 LP Phase 100 LP Phase 100 LP Phase
FLDACC T 100 LP Phase 100 LP Phase 100 LP Phase 100 LP Phase
FLDACC Y Off   Off   Off   Off  
ACC L 50 HP Cradle 80 HP Cradle 50 HP Cradle 50 HP  
ACC T 50 HP Cradle 80 HP Cradle 50 HP Cradle 50 HP  
ACC Y 110 HP   110 HP   110 HP   110 HP  
LVDTL 50 LP   80 LP   50 LP   50 LP  
LVDTT 50 LP   80 LP   50 LP   50 LP  
LVDTY 110 LP   110 LP   110 LP   110 LP  
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