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satoru.takano - 0:37 Monday 17 June 2024 (29931) Print this report
Simulation of OMC Stack

I simulated the resonant mode of OMC stack with Autodesk Fusion. I used drawings shown in the slides here as a reference of the CAD design. Young modulus of the rubber are estimated from the measured value reported in klog 29651 as 15 MPa. Poisson ratio is assumed to be 0.5, which is a typical values for rubbers. With these values, shear moduls is calculated by 5 MPa. In this simulation no extra load is added.

Here I summarized the resonant frequency and the corresponding mode in the list below:

No. Frequency Shape
1 4.718 Common X
2 4.721 Common Y
3 4.891 Common Yaw
4 14.022 (Bottom, Mid)-Top Differential X
5 14.025 (Bottom, Mid)-Top Differential Y
6 14.142 (Bottom, Mid)-Top Differential Yaw
7 20.658 (Bottom, Top)-Mid Differential Yaw
8 21.503 (Bottom, Top)-Mid Differential X
9 21.504 (Bottom, Top)-Mid Differential Y
10 38.875 Common Pitch
11 38.999 Common Roll
12 40.128 Common Z
13 97.361 (Bottom, Mid)-Top Differential Pitch
14 97.761 (Bottom, Mid)-Top Differential Roll

Attached figures show the shape of each resonant mode. The color ndicates the displacement along x axis.


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satoru.takano - 1:35 Monday 17 June 2024 (29932) Print this report

I did the same simulation with extra 155 kg weights. The results are summarized in the list below:

No. Frequency (+155kg) Frequency (+0kg) Shape
1 2.351 4.718 Common X
2 2.355 4.721 Common Y
3 3.157 4.891 Common Yaw
4 8.116 14.022 (Bottom, Mid)-Top Differential X
5 8.141 14.025 (Bottom, Mid)-Top Differential Y
6 11.135 14.142 (Bottom, Mid)-Top Differential Yaw
7 14.798 38.875 Common Pitch
8 14.823 38.999 Common Roll
9 17.828 20.658 (Bottom, Top)-Mid Differential Yaw
10 19.331 21.503 (Bottom, Top)-Mid Differential X
11 19.332 21.504 (Bottom, Top)-Mid Differential Y
12 26.063 40.128 Common Z
13 79.198 97.361 (Bottom, Mid)-Top Differential Pitch
14 79.733 97.761 (Bottom, Mid)-Top Differential Roll


Attached figures show the shape of each resonant mode. The color ndicates the displacement along x axis.


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tatsuki.washimi - 15:02 Monday 17 June 2024 (29941) Print this report

I measured the geometry of the weights in mm.

  • square poles (x4) : 200 * 200 * H100
  • cylinder plate (x1) : D320 * H50
satoru.takano - 7:12 Wednesday 26 June 2024 (30118) Print this report
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