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CAL (YPcal)
dan.chen - 6:53 Tuesday 04 June 2024 (29738) Print this report
Pcal-Y cleaning

Date: 2024/6/3

I made a procedure plan for the Pcal-Y cleaning.
The summary is that remove all mirrors at once, and clean them at center area with ethanol, aceton, etc.
Then, make the alignment again, which should not take so much time.

Details: link

Proposed procedure  

  1. Check the current alignment.
    • If we can observe the beam spots at ETMY, that's OK. If not, try a rough alignment to achieve it.
  2. Rotate mirror mounts MPU/L4 and MPU/L5 up
    • This changes the alignments, but only one DoF, which should be easy to be recovered.
    • This makes the mirror detaching and attaching works easy and safely.
  3. Remove all target mirrors: MP2, MPU/L3, MPU/L4, MPU/L5, MPU/L6, MP7
  4. Carry the mirrors from Y-end to the center area
  5. Clean one of them to see which one works.
    1. Try ethanol
      • "Drag washing method"
      • Touch cleaning with a special swab.
      • Use IPA with "drag washing method" to clean the residue if needed.
    2. Try ultra-pure water
      • Touch cleaning with a special swab.
      • Soak the mirror in the ultra-pure water and circulate the water.
    3. Try First Contact?
    4. Try acetone
      • "Drag washing method"
      • Touch cleaning with a special swab.
      • Use IPA with "drag washing method" to clean the residue if needed.
  6. Clean other mirrors.
  7. Carry the mirrors to EYA and install them.
  8. Clean mirror mount with ethanol
  9. Alignment adjustment
    • Pcal green lasers can be used as a guide.
    • Tcam can be used to monitor beam positions on ETMY.
    • Target:
      • Keep beams on all mirrors at least 20 mm away from the mirror edge. (Between beam center and mirror edge.)
      • Leave enough pico motor range.
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Comments to this report:
dan.chen - 17:31 Tuesday 04 June 2024 (29749) Print this report

With Uchiyama-san,


We checked the Pcal-Y alignment and found it was changed.
Then, we recovered it roughly: the ETM reflected beams can be observed at EYA.


We checked the alignment of Pcal-Y, then found that the alignment had been significantly changed. (10-15cm of beam position shift at the output of EYA chamber = bellows position for path 1, and at the MPL4 point for path 2.)
The cause of this is unknown. (It could be due to Tx work prior to discovery of the oil, or it could be due to EYA cleaning.)

We tried to recover the alignments and succeeded in making the ETM reflected beams back to EYA.
We touched all mirrors before ETM, except MP1 for the recovery.
The attached pictures were taken after the alignment adjustment.

We will remove the mirrors tomorrow and start cleaning.

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dan.chen - 17:17 Wednesday 05 June 2024 (29763) Print this report

Date: 2024/6/5

With Ikeda-san


We removed most of the mirrors in EYA chamber for cleaning.
We cleaned 3 mirrors today. The most effective method is to use ultra-pure water with the drag washing method.


  1. We removed all mirrors in EYA chamber except MP1 and MP8, and carried them to the draft chamber area at the center.
  2. Check the mirror contamination -> it seems there are 2 kind of contaminations: one (type A) is a small dot-like contamination, the other (type B) is a large drip-like contamination. The former were many, on most mirrors, and the latter were several on most mirrors.
  3. Cleaning of the 1st mirror = MPL3
    1. No type B contamination on this mirror.
    2. At first, we used ethanol with the drag washing method. -> It had little effect.
    3. Next, we used acetone with the same method. -> It had little effect.
    4. Finally, we used ultra-pure water with the same method -> Very effect on type A. Most of the type A contaminations were removed with the first wipe.
    5. Wiping with deionized water was performed three times.
  4. Cleaning of the 2nd mirror = MPU3
    1. From the beginning, we used the ultra-pure water. -> Similarly to the above, there was a significant effect.
    2. We finished cleaning this mirror with 4 rounds of the ultra-pure water wipes.
    3. Type B contamination was only one and very small on this mirror.
  5. Cleaning of the 3rd mirror = MP2
    1. This mirror is one of the 4-in mirrors.
    2. 3 rounds of the ultra-pure water wipes made most the type A contaminations clean.
    3. 3 rounds of ethanol and 6 rounds of aceton wipes made the type B contaminations almost clean. We still can recognize them with a very powerful green light.


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dan.chen - 17:34 Thursday 06 June 2024 (29776) Print this report

With Yuzurihara-san and Takase-san


We cleaned all the remaining mirrors.
There was a small amount of contamination that could not be removed, but should have little impact.
After this work, we fixed all mirrors on their mount.

I attached before/after pictures of each mirror.

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