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kouseki.miyo - 10:42 Wednesday 21 June 2017 (2906) Print this report
PR2 BF LVDT calibration

[ Akiyama, Miyo ] 

V1 a0 : +831.60 +/-  +2.88 [Count/mm], x0 : -1103.55 +/-   8.73 [Count]
V2 a0 : +813.56 +/-  +2.19 [Count/mm], x0 : + 516.73 +/-   6.64 [Count]
V3 a0 : +817.24 +/-  +1.67 [Count/mm], x0 : - 142.89 +/-   5.05 [Count]
H1 a0 : -813.46 +/-  +1.59 [Count/mm], x0 : -   44.12 +/-   4.81 [Count]
H2 a0 : -800.22 +/-  +1.85 [Count/mm], x0 : - 419.20 +/-   5.61 [Count]
H3 a0 : -822.47 +/-  +1.68 [Count/mm], x0 : -   30.60 +/-   5.09 [Count] 
Data files are in /users/VIS/TypeBp/170615/pr2/pr2_bf-calibration.
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