Continued work from klog28773.
[Tamaki, Tanaka, Ushiba]
We recovered ETMY H3 photosensors.
Now, all photosensor noise levels are almost same as those during O4a.
We performed following check today.
1. Check around legs of LED and PDs of MN H3 photosensor, and cut unnecessary legs and cales not to touch each other.
2. Cable clamp of MN H3 photosensor on D-sub at PF stage were loose, so we clamped them again.
After the above work, H3 photosensor noise level was reduced.
Then, we compared current noise level with those duing O4a.
Figure 1 shows the spectra of photosensors.
Left colmun shows the current spectra of horizontal (top) and vertical (middle) photosensors.
Middle and right row show the comparison between current (red) spectra and those during O4a (blue).
Though, there are several peaks, the noise floor at high frequency is almost same as before for all photosensors.
Followings are some note to check later:
1. MN H1 photosensor have slightly larger noise (about 2e-3 @ 10Hz) compared to the others (1e-3 @ 10Hz).
2. MN H1 and H2 noises are alightly larger than those during O4a (about 30%). We are not so sure those are due to hardware issue or air flow inside the chamber.