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CRY (Cryo-payload EY)
takafumi.ushiba - 18:30 Monday 11 March 2024 (28811) Print this report
ETMY photosensor recovery

Continued work from klog28773.

[Tamaki, Tanaka, Ushiba]


We recovered ETMY H3 photosensors.
Now, all photosensor noise levels are almost same as those during O4a.


We performed following check today.
1. Check around legs of LED and PDs of MN H3 photosensor, and cut unnecessary legs and cales not to touch each other.
2. Cable clamp of MN H3 photosensor on D-sub at PF stage were loose, so we clamped them again.
After the above work, H3 photosensor noise level was reduced.

Then, we compared current noise level with those duing O4a.
Figure 1 shows the spectra of photosensors.
Left colmun shows the current spectra of horizontal (top) and vertical (middle) photosensors.

Middle and right row show the comparison between current (red) spectra and those during O4a (blue).
Though, there are several peaks, the noise floor at high frequency is almost same as before for all photosensors.

Followings are some note to check later:
1. MN H1 photosensor have slightly larger noise (about 2e-3 @ 10Hz) compared to the others (1e-3 @ 10Hz).
2. MN H1 and H2 noises are alightly larger than those during O4a (about 30%). We are not so sure those are due to hardware issue or air flow inside the chamber.

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takafumi.ushiba - 19:46 Tuesday 02 April 2024 (29051) Print this report

[Takase, Uchiyama, Ushiba]

We investigated the photosensor cables around BF and found that some of them have kink (and also strong wind from air supplier shakes these kink wires).
I twisted cables to remove kink and now wire have no kink at least from my eye.
When I was touching the cable around the kink, I could see some large glitches on the sensor, so it might be one of the source of the glitches.

Figure 1 and 2 show the photosensor signals before and after our work.
At least, visible glitches seem disappeard, but continuous check might will be necessary.

After the work, I also check photosensor spectra and confirmed H2 and H3 spectra become better (and almost nominal).
However, V3 photosensor have about 3 times larger noise after our work, so further recovery work is necessary for ETMY...

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takafumi.ushiba - 18:28 Thursday 11 April 2024 (29196) Print this report

[rTakahashi, Ushiba]


Currely, all photosensor spectra look fine but there seems to be damaged cable between PF and BF.


We checked photosensor signals of MN H2, H3, and V3 by touching cabes between PF and BF at just below BF.
Then, we could observe small glitch signals (fig1: example of H2 signals).

Afer that, we loose the screws of PEEK cable clamp because cables seem sandwitched too strong by PEEK blockes.
Then, we checked photosensor signals while touching the cable.
Though the glitches didn't disappear completely, glitch size and rate seem decrease.
So, we keep this situation.

Figure 2 shows the spectra of photosensors.
As you can see, some of photosensors have larger noise.
So, I compared the spectra with those during O4a (fig3).
There seems no sensors obviously become worse, so current situation might be happened even before O4a.

After these works, I checked the stock of the 3 m cables for cabling between PF and BF, and found 10 or more stockes.
So, probaly we can install new cables for these sensors if we have time and man power (maybe 1 - 1.5 days with 4 people including me and Takahashi-san).

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takafumi.ushiba - 18:41 Tuesday 30 April 2024 (29360) Print this report

[Dan, Hirata, rTakahashi, Tamaki, Ushiba]

We installed three additional cables between BF and PF (B49, B50, and B51).
Then, we replaced Dsub connectors on BF.
Followings are the cable numbers before and after replacement,

Sensor name cable number before replacement cable number after replacement
H2 (CRYO10) B44 B49
H3 (CRYO11) B45 B50
V3 (CRYO12) B46 B51

Old cables are cut and clamped on the BF.
We will continue the cabling at PF stage tomorrow.


During the work, we removed radiation shield plates between BF and PF.
They are stored in the cryostt, and need to be reinstalled after finishing the cabling.

ryutaro.takahashi - 20:38 Wednesday 01 May 2024 (29372) Print this report

[Ushiba, Tamaki, Komori, Takahashi]

We continued the photosensor recovery. The replaced cables were fixed onto the bottom of BF, the cable anchor (small hexagon), and the suspension rod with cable ties.

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takafumi.ushiba - 8:45 Thursday 02 May 2024 (29375) Print this report

We connected the new cables to the photosensors and confirmed that the sensor is working.
Also, we checked the signals while touching the cables around BF but there seems no glitch.
So, new cables seems working well.

We will tie up the cables and fix them onto the payload.

takafumi.ushiba - 13:56 Wednesday 08 May 2024 (29419) Print this report

[Tamaki, Ushiba]

We measured resistance, forward voltage, and inductance of the newly installed photosensor/actuator cables from the feedthrough flange at EYV.
All measured values are consistent with those during health check before O4a and seem fine.
Following table shows the summary of the measurement (with the values before O4a).

  Forward Voltage (1-6) Resistance (2-7) Inductance (2-7) Forward voltage (3-8)

MNH2 (P6-2) before O4a
MNH2 (P6-2) after cable replace

0.482 V
0.481 V
110.4 Ohms
111.0 Ohms
6.92 mH
6.93 mH
0.946 V
0.946 V

MNH3 (P6-3) before O4a
MNH3 (P6-3) after cable replace

0.496 V
0.495 V
110.0 Ohms
110.0 Ohms
6.93 mH
6.93 mH
0.953 V
0.952 V

MNV3 (P6-4) before O4a
MNV3 (P6-4) after cable replace

0.469 V
0.471 V
111.1 Ohms
111.5 Ohms
6.91 mH
6.91 mH
0.948 V
0.947 V

Also, we measured the resistance of all the other connections like 1-2, 1-3, and so on.
All values are OL, so we confirmed there is no unexpected short among the new cables.

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