I checked TFs measured after the height adjustment. The TFs (Fig. 1-33) look healthy.
I checked TFs measured after the height adjustment. The TFs (Fig. 1-33) look healthy.
Another related log: klog28536.
I checked PR3 TFs for the final health check (fig1-33).
Since current IM V2 input value (5500 cnts) is slightly lower than the other vertical OSEMs (6500), IM V2 gain is slightly lower tha before (about 2dB).
Also, GAS resonances are slightly shifted maybe due to the thermal drift of GAS position but they seem also acceptable.
Other than the above, TFs are well matched with the reference.
After the earthquake in this morning, PR3 was jumped.
So, I offloaded it with pico motor (-62500 steps).
After the offload, IMV1 OSEM input value became 3500 cnts, which is slightly smaller values compared with the nominal one (about 6000 cnts).
I measured IMV1 TF for the health check and TF seems healthy.
So, current OSEM position seems acceptable.