[Washimi, Takahashi]
We recovered the BF damper from the overflow of V2 primmaly coil.
- Opened the side hatch at the cross tube. Locked the BF body with the EQ stoppers.
- Disconnected the Dsub connector for the primaly coils on the side plate of the BF. It was necessary to dismount the secondary coil of H2 temporally. Checked the resistance of the coil side. The resistance between 2-7 pins (V2) was overflow.
- Found the lead cable from V2 coil was cut at ~5cm from the pin side. Disconnected the coil from the Dsub connector side. Dismounted the coil bobbin.
- Repaired the cable. Cramped the new pin to the top of the lead cable. Connected the coil to the Dsub side. Checked the resistance. It was 10Ω. Mounted the coil bobbin.
- Connected the Dsub connector. Checked the signal on the medm. The V2 LVDT was working.
- Mounted the secondary coil of H2.
- Released the BF body. Closed the side hatch.
- Found the H2 signal was almost 0 later. It should be cheked the next time.