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takaaki.yokozawa - 12:12 Tuesday 23 January 2024 (28368) Print this report
Health check SR3
I performed the eye check for the health check of the SR3.

Several notifications :
1. Several (maybe coupling matrix) improvement were seemed in L -> IDAMP_T and _Y (Fig.1.)
2. Peak shape change in T->IDAMP_T in 60 mHz (Fig.2.)
3. The difference in H{1,2,3}->ACC_H{1,2,3} (Fig.4 - Fig.6.) around 1 Hz may come from the tuning of ACC response
4. Small peak change in 0.25 Hx F0->F0 and F1->F1(Fig.7. and Fig.8.)
5. IM T->T, peak height around 1 Hz changed (Fig.11.)
6. IM H1->H1, several discrepancy from previous measurement, some gain change? (Fig.16.)
7. TM P->P and P->L, about 10 dB discrepancy from previous measurement, (Fig.23)
8. TM Y->Y increased the gain from previous measurement(?) (Fig.24)
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Comments to this report:
takaaki.yokozawa - 13:04 Tuesday 23 January 2024 (28370) Print this report
1. In klog22559, we changed the matrix of IP to reduce the couplings between L,T and Y.
So the several improvement of coupling in IP is significant.

2. I checked the transfer function of geophone for previous one and current one(Fig.1.)
As shown in Fig.1., th shape around 1 Hz changed, so the reason of comment 3. would come from this issue
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ryutaro.takahashi - 16:09 Tuesday 14 May 2024 (29499) Print this report

I checked the TFs measured in air. They look healthy except for IP. There were some differences from the reference.

  1. IP: L-T coupling became small, but a strange dip around 40mHz appeared in the L and T TFs.
  2. TM: A large recoil or coupling appeared at 0.5Hz in L-L TF. The gains of P-P and Y-Y TFs became large. The pitch mode was dominant in the H1/2/3/4-L TFs.
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