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kentaro.komori - 18:23 Friday 08 December 2023 (27893) Print this report
IX records the highest mirror Q~4e6

We tried measuring the Q-value of a mode that we couldn't measure previously, and we succeeded in doing so for one mode.
This records the highest mirror Q-value ever in KAGRA.

Resonant frequency: 23.92353 kHz
Q: 4.3x10^6 and 4.0x10^6

We made 5 attempts, but the interferometer was down for the last 3 measurements, so we only succeeded in the first 2 attempts.

Interestingly, the resonant frequency differed by 0.14 Hz compared to that of yesterday, while the mirror temperature remained almost the same (0.02 K defference).
Particularly from the viewpoint of the beacon frequency, we should keep this in mind.

We finished the Q-measurement of IX mechanical modes below 30 kHz.

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