I tried to measure ETMX Q factor when IM is 246K.
First, I scan the excitation frequency and find the resonance at 23.6071 kHz.
Then, I tried to measure the Q values with the script, which was used for the Q measurement of the other mirrors but fitting seems not good.
I tried to understand why and realized it seems due to the bad S/N because of the low Q (~1e4).
So, I locked FPMI with higher power (~3W) to improve the S/N and measure the Q.
During the measurement, FPMI lock was lost unforetunately due to the earthquakes and I waait for 3 hours but ground motion is still too high for the lock acquisition.
So, I gave up Q measurement today.
Attached figure shows the graphs the Q-measurement script made.
Though measurement was one only once but obtained Q value is 1.8e4, which is what we expected from the Q measurement of the other mirrors.