We conducted a deep analysis of the first violin Q-values by comparing them for each test mass.
First, we identified the peak frequencies by measuring the DARM spectrum with a resolution of 0.1 mHz (shown in the first figure).
The Tamaki-kun's result (klog:25876) is updated as follows.
Tamaki-kun's result:
ETMX: 167.125, 177.875, 178.875, 181.375, 182.875, 190.750
ETMY: 168.000, 173.125, 180.750, 181.875, 183.375, 189.625
ITMX: 168.300, 174.250, 178.375, 179.375, 184.750, 187.250
ITMY: 176.500, 179.875, 182.250, 184.750
New result with 1 mHz resolution:
ETMX: 167.100, 177.862, 178.820, 181.340, 182.872, 190.754
ETMY: 168.012, 173.149, 180.782, (181.836), 183.400, 189.608
ITMX: 168.285, 174.226, 178.400, 179.381, (184.741), 187.290
ITMY: 176.504, 179.897, N/A, (184.741)
We discovered an additional 7 peaks for which we could not determine the origin, resulting in a total of 29 peaks.
This new result is consistent with TYamamoto-san's findings (klog:25903).
The resonant frequencies enclosed in parentheses in the new list are considered suspicious.
For example, there are two peaks around the fourth resonance of ETMY, making it challenging to determine which one is correct.
The fifth resonance of ITMX and the fourth resonance of ITMY were identical.
We could not find the corresponding peak for the third resonance of ITMY.
In the second figure, we plot each Q-value, and the Q-values of the suspicious peaks are represented by faint circles.
These appear inconsistent because these Q-values exceed the thermo-elastic limit at 250 K, while the others are very consistent with the limit.
One of the most crucial findings is that some Q-values of ETMX fibers are similar to those of other test masses' fibers, even though the temperature is 80 K.
Two peaks have Q-values around 1e5, which are still much smaller than the thermo-elastic limit at 80 K.