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ryutaro.takahashi - 17:45 Wednesday 19 July 2023 (26034) Print this report
Height adjustment of Type-A GAS filters

[Ushiba, Takahashi]

We adjusted the height of GAS filters in Type-A towers in preparation for the cooling. The setpoints of F1 GAS were changed so that the MN Vertical Oplevs can be zero (1.88 only for IX). The F1 GASs were offloaded with the FRs to avoid saturation. Actual values are summarized in the table.

  F1 setpoint  before F1 setpoint after MN VERtical before

MN VERtical after

IY -157 -465 575 0
EY 1072 235 0.987 0
IX -1228.5 -1510 1.986 1.884
EX -4391 910 Out of range 0


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ryutaro.takahashi - 0:06 Monday 31 July 2023 (26145) Print this report

I adjusted the height of GAS filters in Type-A towers under the cooling. The setpoints of F1 GAS were changed so that the MN Vertical Oplevs can be zero. The F1 GASs in IX, IY, and EY were offloaded with the FRs to avoid saturation. The F0 and F2 in IX were offloaded too.

  F1 setpoint before Fi setpoint after
IX -1510 -1820
IY -465 -900
EY 235 -300


ryutaro.takahashi - 19:02 Thursday 03 August 2023 (26188) Print this report

I adjusted the height of GAS filters in Type-A towers under the cooling. The setpoints of F1 GAS were changed so that the MN Vertical Oplevs can be zero. The F1 GASs in IX, IY, and EY were offloaded with the FRs to avoid saturation.

  F1 setpoint before Fi setpoint after
IX -1820 -2050
IY -900 -1400
EY -300 -850


ryutaro.takahashi - 19:25 Monday 07 August 2023 (26244) Print this report

I adjusted the height of GAS filters in Type-A towers under the cooling. The setpoints of F1/F2 GAS were changed so that the MN Vertical Oplevs can be zero. The F1/F2 GASs in IX, IY, and EY were offloaded with the FRs to avoid saturation.

  Setpoint before Setpoint after
IX F2: -1311.5 F2: -1400
IY F1: -1400 F1: -1750
EY F1: -850 F1: -1400


tomotada.akutsu - 20:23 Monday 07 August 2023 (26245) Print this report

EY MNV oplev was touched already as reported in 26232. After touching it, is it ok to use it for the height reference?

takafumi.ushiba - 12:58 Thursday 17 August 2023 (26351) Print this report

I changed ETMX BF GAS setpoint to adjust the ETMX height with respect to the MNV OpLev.
Setpoint was changed from 1630 to 1520 (fig1: before change, fig2: after change).

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ryutaro.takahashi - 14:03 Friday 18 August 2023 (26375) Print this report

I adjusted the height of GAS filters in Type-A towers under the cooling. The setpoints of F1/F2 GAS were changed so that the MN Vertical Oplevs can be zero. The F1/F2 GASs in IY and EY were offloaded with the FRs to avoid saturation.

  Setpoint before Setpoint after
IX F2: -1400 F2: -1480
IY F1: -1750 F1: -2150
EY F1: -1400 F1: -1720
ryutaro.takahashi - 13:09 Monday 21 August 2023 (26409) Print this report

I summarized the adjustment of the height of GAS filters in Type-A towers under cooling. The plots show the sum of changed setpoints.

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ryutaro.takahashi - 16:37 Wednesday 13 September 2023 (26754) Print this report

I adjusted the height of ETMX. The setpoint of F1 GAS was changed from 910 to 1170 so that the MN Vertical Oplev can be zero.

ryutaro.takahashi - 10:17 Monday 18 September 2023 (26786) Print this report

I adjusted the height of ETMX. The setpoint of F1 GAS was changed from 1170 to 2100 so that the MN Vertical Oplevs can be zero. The F1/BF GASs were offloaded with the FRs.

ryutaro.takahashi - 18:36 Friday 22 September 2023 (26865) Print this report

I adjusted the height of ETMX. The setpoint of F1 GAS was changed from 2100 to 2470 so that the MN Vertical Oplevs can be zero.

ryutaro.takahashi - 8:40 Tuesday 26 September 2023 (26899) Print this report

Ushiba-san adjusted the height of ETMX (klog). The setpoint of F1 GAS was changed from 2470 to 2600.

ryutaro.takahashi - 9:49 Thursday 28 September 2023 (26944) Print this report

I adjusted the height of ETMX. The setpoint of F1 GAS was changed from 2600 to 2800 so that the MN Vertical Oplevs can be zero.

ryutaro.takahashi - 9:08 Friday 13 October 2023 (27177) Print this report

I adjusted the height of GAS filters in Type-A towers. The setpoints of F1/F2 GAS were changed so that the MN Vertical Oplevs can be zero for IX and -0.5 for EX.

  Setpoint before Setpoint after
IX F2: -1440 F2: -1460
IX F1: -2050 F1: -1970
EX F1: 2800 F1: 2400
takaaki.yokozawa - 11:17 Friday 13 October 2023 (27178) Print this report
I checked the height change at the MNV oplev.

Calibration factor :
QPD out = -0.93*ERF(-1.54*x)
From the Fig.1., QPD out changed from 0.618 to -0.519, corresponding 0.4 [mm] to -0.35 [mm] on the QPD.

So actual height change is (0.4 +0.35)/2 = 0.375 [mm]
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ryutaro.takahashi - 10:11 Monday 16 October 2023 (27197) Print this report

I adjusted the height of ETMX. The setpoint of F1 GAS was changed from 2400 to 1900 so that the MN Vertical Oplev can be -0.5. The F1 GAS was offloaded with the FR to avoid saturation.

hirotaka.yuzurihara - 10:35 Monday 16 October 2023 (27198) Print this report

I didn't see the plan for the ETMX height adjustment on Teamup. When did you work on it?

Now, the shutter was closed to care for the laser hazard of the OMC work. I can't take the TCam image to measure the height change before and after the height adjustment.

ryutaro.takahashi - 13:00 Monday 16 October 2023 (27200) Print this report

Sorry for my miscommunication. The drift speed of the ETMX was large and the MN V Oplev was closing out of range, so I adjusted the height around 10 am today.

I will make small corrections again tomorrow morning before the Tcam session.

hirotaka.yuzurihara - 22:49 Monday 16 October 2023 (27214) Print this report

I see the situation.

I talked with Yokozawa-san. We will give up taking TCam images for ETMX before your adjustment work tomorrow early morning. After the height adjustment work, Yokozawa-san will take TCam images. In the current plan, it will start at 7 AM. If there is any trouble, please let Yokozawa-san know.

ryutaro.takahashi - 6:18 Tuesday 17 October 2023 (27218) Print this report

I adjusted the height of ETMX. The setpoint of F1 GAS was changed from 1900 to 1820 so that the MN Vertical Oplev can be -0.5.

ryutaro.takahashi - 8:11 Sunday 22 October 2023 (27287) Print this report

I adjusted the height of ETMX. The setpoint of F1 GAS was changed from 1820 to 1400 so that the MN Vertical Oplev can be -0.5. The F1 GAS was offloaded with the FR to avoid saturation.

ryutaro.takahashi - 17:35 Friday 27 October 2023 (27388) Print this report

I adjusted the height of ETMY. The setpoints of F1/F2/F3 GASs were changed so that the MN Vertical Oplevs can be zero. The FR could not work.

  Setpoint before Setpoint after
EY F1: -1720 F1: -1710
EY F2: 1323 F2: 1693
EY F3: 1083 F3: 1210
ryutaro.takahashi - 12:05 Saturday 28 October 2023 (27400) Print this report

I corrected the setpoints of F2 and BF to avoid the saturation of F2.

  Setpoint before Setpoint after
EY F2: 1693 F2: 1603
EY BF: -700 BF: -610
shinji.miyoki - 12:32 Saturday 28 October 2023 (27402) Print this report

Sorry for my miss heater settings. I reduced the heater power at EYC1F.

ryutaro.takahashi - 10:28 Tuesday 31 October 2023 (27439) Print this report

I adjusted the height of ETMY. The setpoints of F2/F3 GASs were changed so that the MN Vertical Oplevs can be zero.

By the way, the FRs (stepper motors) for GAS and IP in EY are not working now maybe due to BIO/RelaySW trouble.

  Setpoint before Setpoint after
EY F2: 1603 F2: 1823
EY F3: 1210 F3: 1713
ryutaro.takahashi - 10:15 Monday 06 November 2023 (27501) Print this report

I adjusted the height of ETMY. The setpoints of F2/F3 GASs were changed so that the MN Vertical Oplevs can be zero.

  Setpoint before Setpoint after
EY F2: 1823 F2: 2103
EY F3: 1713 F3: 1943
ryutaro.takahashi - 9:36 Tuesday 07 November 2023 (27520) Print this report

I adjusted the height of ETMX. The setpoint of F3 GAS was changed from -3478 to -3700 so that the MN Vertical Oplev can be zero.

ryutaro.takahashi - 18:58 Friday 10 November 2023 (27589) Print this report

I adjusted the height of ETMY. The setpoints of F1/F2 GASs were changed so that the MN Vertical Oplevs can be zero. The F1/F2/F3 GASs were offloaded with the FR to avoid saturation.

  Setpoint before Setpoint after
EY F1: -1710 F1: -1475
EY F2: 1823 F2: 2103
ryutaro.takahashi - 10:31 Monday 18 December 2023 (27996) Print this report

I adjusted the height of ETMY. The setpoints of F1/F2 GASs were changed so that the MN Vertical Oplevs can be zero. The F1 GAS was offloaded with the FR to avoid saturation.

  Setpoint before Setpoint after
EY F1: -1475 F1: -2130
EY F2: 2103 F2: 1950
ryutaro.takahashi - 10:28 Wednesday 20 December 2023 (28020) Print this report

I adjusted the height of ETMY. The setpoint of F1 GAS was changed from -2130 to -2480 so that the MN Vertical Oplevs can be zero. The F1 GAS was offloaded with the FR to avoid saturation.

ryutaro.takahashi - 9:59 Saturday 23 December 2023 (28068) Print this report

I adjusted the height of ETMY. The setpoint of F1 GAS was changed from -2480 to -2870 so that the MN Vertical Oplevs can be zero. The F1 GAS was offloaded with the FR to avoid saturation.

ryutaro.takahashi - 21:32 Thursday 28 December 2023 (28135) Print this report

I adjusted the height of ETMY. The setpoint of F1 GAS was changed from -2870 to -3350 so that the MN Vertical Oplevs can be zero. The F1 GAS was offloaded with the FR to avoid saturation.

ryutaro.takahashi - 22:50 Tuesday 09 January 2024 (28221) Print this report

I adjusted the height of ETMY. The setpoint of F3 GAS was changed from 1943 to 1713 so that the MN Vertical Oplevs can be zero.

ryutaro.takahashi - 17:49 Wednesday 10 January 2024 (28238) Print this report

I summarized the height adjustment of ETMY under cooling from Dec. 13th. The plot shows the sum of the changed setpoints in μm for the GAS filters.

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