Operators name: Ikeda, Yuzurihara
Shift Time: 8-16 (JST)Summary:Check Items:
VAC,CRY,TEMP There was no problem
8:00 observation from previous shift time
13:21 lockloss (this is the longest lock during O4a : 21.6 hours)
14:23 For one hour, LSC_LOCK guardian can’t lock the interferometer. It stops at LOCKING_OMC_FOR_PRFPMI. We started the alignment of OMMT2T QPD and OMC according to the manual.
14:37 OMC alignment done. During the record of the good oplev values, we faced the error on the INITIAL_ALIGNMENT guardian. (I attach the error message. The channel name to record good oplev value is incorrect.) On the slack and zoom, we communicated with the developer and solved it by YamaT-san.
15:23 new guardian code was loaded.
15:24 requested observation state to LSC_LOCK guardian
15:43 reached observation state
16:00 still in observation