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takafumi.ushiba - 18:17 Thursday 25 May 2023 (25376) Print this report
PR3 YAW damping seems weak

After the large earthquake at 12:26 JST, IFO becomes unstable.
After several investigation,it seems that PR3 yaw motion after it moves to LOW_NOISE state.
Figure 1 shows the guardian state number and PR3 yaw signals.
PR3 yaw motion becomes large after PR3 reaches LOW_NOISE state.

In the LOW_NOISE state, filters to reduce te gain of BF control and IMY controls are engaged.
So if we skip the engagement of these gain reduction filters for YAW controls, the stability would be recovered.

Since this modification changes the SDFs, I wil negotiate with Miyoki-san and Miyakawa-san according to the SDF management procedure.

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shinji.miyoki - 19:08 Thursday 25 May 2023 (25377) Print this report

Around 19:00, Miyoki, Miyakawa-kun, Ushiba-kun discussed this issue.

The reason for the more fluctuation of PR3 Yaw is not clear, one of possibility is that the seismic noise around the Yaw resonance (~ 0.1Hz) is still higher than before the earthquakes. 

We decided to increase the gain for PR3 Yaw for the stable operation and to check the influence on the sensitivity. So SDF will be changed.

takafumi.ushiba - 19:31 Thursday 25 May 2023 (25379) Print this report

I changed the PR3 yaw control and accepted the SDFs (klog25378).
Figure 1 and 2 shows the PR3 yaw signals and POP90 signals before and after changing the filters, respectively.
PR3 yaw motion becomes 2 times smaller and POP90 signal drop becomes much better,
Also, there seems no significant changes in the sensitivity.
So, I will keep this condition and check the IFO stability.

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