I checked PEM-SEIS_{EYV,EXV}_GND_X_BLRMS_3Hz10 for 3 months from Nov/9 2022 to Feb/9 2023, for example.
The periodic changes that are higher-level on from Monday to Friday, mid-level on Saturday, and lower-level on Sunday in basic can be seen especially in EXV. Actually, low-level was kept around Jan/1 2023.
The fluctuation in EYV seems to be larger than in EXV although we don't know the actual calibrations. From the point of view of electrical facilities, the High-voltage from the Hokuriku-Power plant was delivered at the Mozumi entrance near EYV as SK and KAMLAND. So two possibilities to explain these weekly enhancements can be:
Do we have an electrical ground-level monitor?
This weekly enhancement seems to exist from when the data was started to be obtained from 2020 January.
Fig.1,2,3 correspond to the data for 19Nov-20Feb, 20Nov-21Feb, and 21Nov-22Feb. No data existed before 20Jan and there is a lack of data in 2020.
The daily level enhancement seemed to occur around April 19th 2022.
Fig1,2,3 correspond to 22Feb-22May, 22may-22Aug, and 22Aug-2022Nov.
A member of the Kamioka mine company explained that actually there have been activities in the tunnels around the Mozumi entrance side on water power plant construction. We need to know where (how far from EY, EX, CS), which tools are used, how many activities, and until when etc.
I made some plots of EYV X-direction (3-10Hz BLRMS) for each week.
The actual level enhancement seems to start in March and, and especially, almost week days enhancement can be seen from march 20th Week.
The data of the April 3th week is so characteristic.
3/24, 3/26, 4/30, (and 5/7 ?)are most likely dam discharging because the infrasound at Mozumi was also large.
To see the macroscopic situation clearly, I evaluated the seismometer RMS of the 5-time-bands for every day:
The first plot is for all days, and the second plot is for the days that non-working time is quiet (<0.004um/s)
On 15th May, We(Miyoki, Uchiyama, Yokozawa, Washimi) discussed with members of the Kamioka Mine company.
However, their activities seem unable to explain the detected daily seismic noise excitations. We need to find other possibilities.
I generated the same plots for the weeks after May 8.
The week from May 29 to June 4
I went to the Sakonishi-area and the road construction area near the Kamioka mine company office from 15:20~16:30.
No activities using heavy machinery around the Sakonishi area.
While there was excavator activity at the road construction area.
When I passed this area around 15:20, there was no activities of the excavator. After that, I went to the Sakonishi area, and there were no activities. After that, I went to the KAGRA entrance to get an internet connection and I monitored the ground motion, then I confirmed that the level denoted by green in the figure was low. After several decades of minutes, I noticed that the ground motion level was enhanced again. So, firstly I went to Sakonishi-area, but no activities. Then I went to the road construction area and found the excavator was working. I stayed near the SK entrance to obtain the EDUROM net to monitor the ground motion and the excavator activities. After the activity of the excavator was postponed, the ground level seemed to become low. Although I kept staying, the excavator did not restart its working until around 16:30. I gave up and went back to the KAGRA DAB. However, the figure showed one more enhancement of the ground just before 17:00. I should be patient :(.
I would like to go there and check again if there is the ground excitation again tomorrow.
On the other hand, some activities around the Sakonishi-area was informed from the mid of June. So it is also important to check the relation.
I confirmed that the activities of excavators near the Kamioka mine company office generated the seismic noise enhancement at MCF and IXV as the attached file.
The numbers in the graph completely matched the excavators' activities status by my eyeballs.
The sharp enhancement seemed to correspond to the horizontally large angle swing of arm of the excavator. I could not check the engine status when they stopped motions.
Here is the ground motion comparison between MCF and "E"XYV. By eyeballs, the motion at MCF cannot be seen at EXYV. (Be careful of the vertical scale difference.)
Do this? From GWADW2019 https://agenda.infn.it/event/15928/contributions/88922/attachments/63258/76101/BKamai_GWADW_final.pdf