MIF (General)takaaki.yokozawa - 8:46 Thursday 20 April 2023 (24891)
Print this reportMorning silent run 230420I performed the morning silent run.
Before starting this work, LSC_LOCK state was PRFPMI_RF_LOCK. Set LSC_LOKC = DOWN Checked the OMC alignment by IRY, tried to check the OMC refl QPDs, slightly off from center, but I could not move the pico motor.
After recovered the PRFPMI_RF_LOCK, Set LSC_LOCK = LOCKING_OMC_FOR_PRFPMI And try and error of beacon alignment. After that, I turned off the beacon control. Then, Set LSC_LOCK = OBSERVATION It was succeeded, but noise level at high frequency was high and OLG was different (Fig.1.) 1st silent run 6:40 - 7:13 (JST) It was sometimes detected that unknown glitch was detected in around 6:45(JST) here OMC refl QPD signal during this run can be seen in Fig.3. After several time lassed (around 7:00(?)) about 1.6 Hz oscillation detected as shown in Fig.4. then locked loss.
2nd silent run 7:50 - 8:50 DARM OLG became healthy(Fig.5.). Beacon control manually off The typical sensitivity curve can be seen in here