[Yuzurihara, Yamamura]
We are investigating Gaussianity of the strain data by using the tool we have developed. ()
We applied the tool for the data on 02/16, for the demonstration. We used this data because it has many locklosses and recoveries.
From atatched figures, (in the figures, red means "not Gaussian")
- almost all time, in ~40 Hz and 200 ~ 300 Hz, there are a lot of red signs. These correspond to the line noise such as the violin mode.
- sometimes there are the red parts at wide frequncy.
- for example, twice in 8:00~9:00 and about 4 times in 9:00~10:00 (UTC).
- but the lockless did not occurred at that time.
Next step is to apply the tool for the recent data.