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takahiro.yamamoto - 17:11 Sunday 09 April 2023 (24726) Print this report
Measurements of DAC noise for ITMX actuators

[Kamiizumi, Tomura, Aoumi, YamaT]


We measured DAC noise for MN, IM, and TM actuators on ITMX.
Detailed setup was reported in klog#24725 which was a same measurement as ITMY.
Previous works for TM actuators were reported in klog#24157 (ITMY) and klog#24249 (ITMX).
All results are stored in /users/DGS/measurements/DAC/k1ix1


Broad peaks can be seen on AI output and coil driver output without de-whitening same as ITMY.
These peaks on TM actuators was with two stages of de-whitening filters as shown in Fig.1-4.

For IM actuators, one and three dewhitening filters were enabled for horizontal and vertical coils.
Broad peaks which can be seen on AI output was removed by the dewhitening filters (see Fig.5-10).

On MN_H1 and _H2, broad peaks remains even with one stage of dewhitening filter as shown in Fig.11-12.
On the other hand, peaks can be removed by one and three stages of dewhitening filters on _H3 and vertical coils, respectively (see Fig.13-16).

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