[Yuzurihara, Yamamura]
We are checking the Gaussianity of the strain data.
We used the data of the silent run on 04/06, reported by Yokozawa-san.
Fig 1 ~ 5: the results by using our tool
We also checked “Rayleigh statistic” and "spectrogram" on the summary page.
Tomorrow, we will check the details of the timeseries data.
[Yuzurihara, Yamamura]
We investigated the two red bands further.
From Yokozawa-san's advice, we checked the ISS state.
We don't understand especially the first one, so we hope someone can give us some advice.
Thank you for your check.
For first glitch, you can find the sudden gap in time series of h(t), that would be a reason.
See JGWDoc11751, and P11 of the JGWDoc11990
[Yokozawa, Yuzurihara, Yamamura]
We investigated further in order to understand how GauCh behaves when such phenomenon appear.
By the way, other than such apparent shocks in the spectra, we know that the arm transmission power or the contrast at the GW detection port periodically gets degraded during the lock time. The period of these events is once per about 10-15 sec. In principle, the light power in the arms is directly related to the optical gain (i.e. the conversion ratio from GW to light), so it should directly affect the sensitivity, and that would looks like non-Gaussian behavior. I am intereseted in whether such deviation from the quiet state (or in the most Gaussian situation) would be seen with your non-Gaussainity study.