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PEM (Center)
takaaki.yokozawa - 8:29 Wednesday 08 March 2023 (24298) Print this report
Comment to Hammering test after IFI work (24293)
Tapping test IMC chamber -X side.

When we tapped the -X side of the IMC refl chamber, the larger noise 50 - 1kHz appeared in DARM.
We checked the several interesting signal with high sampling rate

In many spectrum, the peak of the 4.12, 8.27 and 12.4 Hz appeared.
In the IMMT1 trans QPD2 signals(Both pitch and Yaw), similar noise shape appeared, that imply the when we tapped the IMC chamber, beam jitter happened.
In the IMC oplev signal, the peaks (4.12, 8.27 and 12.4 Hz) in pitch became larger compared with yaw at MCi and MCo (MCo became more larger??)

Both MCE trans QPD and MC refl QPD detected the increasing the peak (4.12, 8.27 and 12.4 Hz)
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