We performed the shaker injection for the OMC chamber
We performed the shaker injection for the OMC chamber
Thanks, can you also input the shaking at the frequency range like in https://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=23955 ? I am also interested in the up conversion.
I compared the ASDs for the accelerometer located on the OMC leg.
Dear Akutsu-san,
We tried it but our shaker couldn't generate enough power less than 200Hz because the background level of the ground vibration is large now...
I summarized the results of 100-600Hz shaker injection.
exploration lines are drown by eye
I calculated the expected noise spectrum when the ground vibration becomes 2020-level, by the following equation
plots for other frequency bands
I compared the seismometer at OMC with that measured during the power outage on 2020-10-14.
What a large difference...