After several change of control (klog22767, klog22824...), I did the noise budget for local control in Type-A cryogenic payload.
.xml files which shows measured transfer function (from {SUS}_MN_{DOF} to DARM) can be shown in /users/Commissioning/data/NoiseBudget/TFs/2022/1114.
The calculated contrl noise with Pastavi noise budget tool are shown below.
Fig1 shows the all noise contribution I measured this time.
► From this, we can say Length and Pitch control in EX mainly determine local control noise in Type-A payload (⇒ next main work).
► It seems to be good to optimize EX Y, IX L, IX Y and EY Y control.
► Control change for IX P and EY P seems to work well (compared to the results in klog22513).
► IY R control noise level is really low.
► Next time, l will measure TF in broader freq.
Fig2 mainly shows local control noise in EX payload (Y: indigo, P: purple, L: darkviolet).
Orange line is summation of the noise except for EX.
It is still clear that EX L and P are quite noisy.
(Fig3 shows the plot without EX -- just reference)