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CAL (General)
takahiro.yamamoto - 11:35 Tuesday 11 October 2022 (22434) Print this report
SUS model update

[Ushiba, YamaT]

SUS model on CALCS model was updated because calibration mismatch around crossover frequencies of MN/IM and IM/TM cannot be ignored after DARM control was changed.
New models were set on FM9 of CAL-CS_DARM_ANALOG_ETMX_{TM, IM, MN}.

This update based on transfer function measurements from TEST_L_EXC to ALS_DARM calibrated by using laser frequency.
Measurement files are stored in /users/VISsvn/TypeApayload/ETMX/TF/Measurement/20220919/

Fig.1-3 show the measurement TFs and current models of TM, IM, and MN.
In order to avoid the spectrum contamination by numerical errors, Q-factors of low-frequency zero/poles were changed in properly.
These measurements are affected some decimation and digital delays. So following effects are corrected on models in these figures.
- Decimation by DAQ: LSC-ALS_DARM_OUT_DQ (16kHz -> 2kHz)
- Decimation by diaggui: VIS-ETMX_*_TEST_L_EXC (16kHz -> 2kHz)
- IPC delay between k1alspll and k1lsc: LSC-ALS_DARM_OUT_DQ
- user FM (compensation of IR cavity pole): LSC-ALS_DARM_OUT_DQ

Residual of measurements and models are also shown in Fig.4-6.

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