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MIF (General)
masahide.tamaki - 18:12 Wednesday 15 June 2022 (21146) Print this report
Replacement the circuit for FNC

[ Ushiba, Tamaki ]

We tried to replace the circuit for FNC ( s1605811 → s1809509 ).
However, the offset before filtering exceeded the range we could control, so we couldn't try to test its operation.

We don't know the cause of this, but it might be because we tried to test it outside the rack (this is because we were going to check it in an analogue way), so the ground and other conditions were different.
Whatever it is, we will continue next week.

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takafumi.ushiba - 18:46 Wednesday 15 June 2022 (21147) Print this report

Newly installed CMS is mdified for avoiding saturation of SLOW_DAQ_OUT.
Changed parts are as follows:
C245,C246,C248,C249: removed (S1809464).

Since we plan to investigate it soon, we left it on the chair around ALS0 rack with cables for tests (fig1).

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