- This is same work as ITMX (klog#20667), ITMY (klog#20658), and ETMY (klog#20682)- ADC noise for ETMX was measured as the 1st time of the DGS health check on K1EX1.
- As same as IX, IY, and EY, some channels have a loud excess from the nominal level of ADC noise.
- All results are stored in /users/DGS/measurements/ADC/K1EX1/2022/0526/*.xml.
Because ADC noise hadn't checked only on ETMX in TypeA, we measured it as a reference.As same as works on other TypeA, all the Dsub cables which were the input of AA chassis were unplugged.
Fig.1-12 show the spectra of all ADC channels.
REFs represents spectra with turning on AA chassis and others represents ones with turning on AA chassis.
A few channels show ~10 times larger than the nominal level such as CH8 of ADC1 which is assigned for IM PS V1.
ETMX seemed to be slightly better than other TypeA which had ~100 times larger channels than the nominal.