I checked measured TFs of all Type-A suspension and found that the lowest resonant frequency of ETMY MNY motion is larger than the others.
I'm not sure the reason; so I will check it again after fixing the MN H1 sensor.
I compared TFs of all Type-A suspensions.
Used data are as follows:
ITMX: /kagra/Dropbox/Measurements/VIS/PLANT/ITMX/0/PLANT_ITMX_STANDBY_MN_TEST_{L,T,V,R,P,Y}_0007.xml
ETMX: /kagra/Dropbox/Measurements/VIS/PLANT/ETMX/0/PLANT_ETMX_STANDBY_MN_TEST_{L,T,V,R,P,Y}_0006.xml
ITMY: /kagra/Dropbox/Measurements/VIS/PLANT/ITMY/2022/04/PLANT_ITMY_STANDBY_MN_TEST_{L,T,V,R,P,Y}_202204191950.xml
ETMY: /kagra/Dropbox/Measurements/VIS/PLANT/ETMY/2022/04/PLANT_ETMY_STANDBY_MN_TEST_{L,T,V,R,P,Y}_202204191950.xml
Figure 1 to 6 show the TFs from L, T, V, R, P, and Y excitations to L, T, V, R, P, and Y motions, respectively.
Since the coupling from the other DOFs are different for each suspensions, appearances are different but they are not large matters.
One remarkable thing is the lowest resonance of ETMY MNY, which is about 0.35 Hz while the other three suspensions' are 0.3 Hz.
I'm not sure the reason but one possibility is broken H1 sensors, which is used for sensing YAW motion.
So, after fixing the sensor, I will check it again.