[Toriyama, Yokozawa, Ushiba, DanChen, Oshino, Yuzurihara]
This is a report by Toriyama-san during last week. Sorry for late.
We are developping the program to find the edge of the mirror from a screenshot (before.png) of a monitor displaying ETMX in the control room.
(1) the center position of the circle in the screenshot is determined roughly by eye and cropped as after1.png.
(2) the figure is binarized. Figure (after3.png) shows the superposition of the original figure and the outline of each island.
(3) Find the average of the coordinates of each island contour and fit a circle by using the least squares method. Figure (estimated_circle.png) shows the result of fitting. The obtained circle and its center are displayed in the original image (result.png).
After that, we discussed the result with the commissioners (Ushiba-san and DanChen-san) and reaslized that the circle we estimated is actually the inner circle of the earthquake-stopper, not the mirror edge. We got the comments that we should not use the screenshot for this puepose, due to lack of the resolution. The fiure (ETMA_overvew.png) shows our understanding of ETMX.
We learned how to take picture of test mass by using Tcam on medm. We took pictures of ETMX and ITMX by changing the configuration (gain/exposure time/LED flash/green laser).
We again started to develop the code to find the actual mirror edge from the high resolution figure.