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AOS (Baffles & Beam dumps)
tomotada.akutsu - 21:51 Tuesday 10 August 2021 (17866) Print this report
Mid-size baffle installation test (PR2) Day 4: mission complete

Hirata, Yano, Akutsu + Miyo; follow-up of 17646.


Completed installing the mid-size baffles for PR2.


After 17646, we learned that the mid-size baffle for PR2 HR needed to raise up to align the aperture with respect to the light beam. So we had attached a thicker footplate under the HR mid-size baffle. Then, referring some positioners and guides left on the table, we put the baffles.

Then we lift up the suspended table. Using a laser level and the target plate, we confirmed the relative positions of the aperture and the green beam.

  • Figs. 1 and 2 show comparison of the green beam and the horizontal line (assuming this would be the beam height). The laser level beam was at the center of PR2 HR. Due to (maybe) 1/300 tilt, the green beam to PR3 is 1.1 mm lower than the laser level (see JGW-T2113078), so it might be consistent.
  • Figs. 3 and 4 show the green beam was hitting the center of PR2 HR... at least the center of the target plate. Fig. 3 was taken from the AR side, while Fig. 4 was from +Y side.
  • Figs. 5 and 6 show the masked beam with respect to the vertical laser level line (Fig. 7); the mask was due to the target plate. According to the Hirata-san's document (see JGW-T2113078), the green beam toward PR3 would pass the aperture through about 4.7 mm displaced to the -Y side (Fig. 6), while they should be co-aligned at the PR2 center (Fig. 7). So the actual situation seemed consistent, maybe. Figs. 8 and 9 are those without the target plate.

Then Hirata-san and Miyo-kun swept PR3 to find the beam at Xend, and also checked the beam reflected at ETMX came to the POP GrRFPD. The angular displacement compensated by the PR3 sweeping is a few urad in pitch, ~50 urad in yaw.


Forgot to somehow measure those numbers. Need to do so.

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Comments to this report:
tomotada.akutsu - 1:42 Thursday 12 August 2021 (17887) Print this report

I mistook the numbers and Hirata-san revised the document: according to it, the green beam should pass through the aperture ~2mm horizontally displaced in -Ydirection.

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