- set KOACH filter at +X side of PR2 and +X side of PR3.
- open PR2 and PR3 chamber, and open duct between PR2 and PR3.
- set vertical laser leveler(green) with shifting tripod, and holizontal laser leveler(red) with normal tripod.
I placed the original target on the security frame of the PR2 HR side and checked the height, and found that the height of the target was about 3mm lower than the reference position. (Fabian reported same value here.)
I assembled new target which was designed for Mid-size baffle adjustment. Some thread depth were not enough, so additional machining is required. After confirming that the height of the target could be adjusted to the refference height, I removed it.
I need to find the horizontal center position of the target, so I was trying to find a line between the recoil masses of the PR2 and PRM with a laser leveler. Since it is difficult for one person to do this, two people will be working on it tomorrow.
See pictures in album PR2 Remedying Work