I measured a sensing matrix of the LSC. Due to the strangeness of the CARM calibration, I did not finish the 4 by 4 sensing matrix so far. The measured matrix is:
cnts(W)/nm | MICH | PRCL | CARM | DARM |
POP17Q | 41 | 3.4 | - | 16 |
POP45I | 4100 | 3400 | - | 340 |
REFL45I | (6.9) | (7.2) | - | 20 |
OMCDC | 7.3e-4 | 1.0e-4 | - | 0.23 |
The unit is cnts/nm for RF PDs and W/nm for OMC The component with a bracket is the one whose coherence is below 0.7.
The laser power was 4.1W and measured in OBSERVATION state of the LSC_LOCK guardian.
Measurement procedure
- Inject the excitation signal to each loop. The excitation frequency is 95 Hz.
- Take ratio of each sensor output to the residual displacement of each DoF. The calibration for all of the DoF has been done by YamaT.
- The templates for the measurement is in /users/Commissioning/templates/diaggui/IFO/SensMtrx_*.xml.
- Attached file shows the measurement result for DARM.