[Miyo, Enomoto]
Today we measured optical gain (count/m) of RF/DC lock of iKAGRA Michelson interferometer.
-- contrast: (6280-1450) / (6280+1450) = 62 %
-- optical gain (RF): 9000/2*4*pi/lambda = (5.3 +/- 0.2) *10^10 counts/m
-- optical gain (DC): (6280-1450)/2*4*pi/lambda = 2.9 *10^10 counts/m
How we did
First, we maximized the contrast of REFL by aligning ETMX/Y.
Then we measured peak-to-peak amplitude of REFL DC PD output (LSC-REFL_PDA1_DC_OUT) and demodulated signal of REFL RF PD (LSC-REFL_PDA1_RF17_Q_MON) by watching these channels using StripTools with BS, ETMX, and ETMY freely swinging (in length degree of freedom).
-- max and min of DC output: max 6280, min 1450. --> contrast 62 %
-- p-p amplitude of error signal (RF demodulated): 9000 +/- 300
Note that the contrast was almost constant during the measurement. This error (+/- 300, I mean) includes effect of the fluctuation of the contrast, but not the degrade of the contrast which has a time scale of hours to days.