YamamotoT, Darkhan
We took a set of "weekly" DARM transfer function measurements on the April 7 (morning).
The set of measurements include:
- Step 8: DARM OL TF (with both ETMX and ETMY actuators),
- Step 9: DARM with PCALX
- Step 10: DARM with ETMX
- Step 11: DARM with ETMY
- Step 12: DARM with PCALY
- Step 13: PCALX OFS open-loop TF
All measurements were taken during a single lock stretch of the interferometer.
On steps 9 and 12 reduced both of the Pcal excitations to 3 Vp to reduce chances of lock loss (our first attempt at Step 9 resulted in lock loss when exciting w/ PCALX at around 1 kHz). DARM lock was lost during Step 13, we believe that this lock loss was not caused by the PCALX measurement because the excitation level for this measurement was only 0.02 Vp, which is 1/100 of normal PCAL TF measurements.
The measurements were saved in: