For people who wanted to corss check the asc sensing matrix against the simulation (as I heard in the meeting yesterday), here are secretly measured matrices (measured yesterday). See the attachemtns.
- Configuration: PRMI (good for the first step!)
- WFS means REFL WFS. No AS WFS were available at that time.
- "~" in the table means not enough good S/N.
- numbsers are the signals in rms (amplitude at the exc frequency / sqrt(2), or "rms area" in diaggui)
- numbers in () are phase - the measurement seems good to have only plus or minus (113 or -67) degrees
- Coherences were good for the noted numbers
- No BS DoF was excited
- No DC centering loops were engaged
- Excitation point was at PR{M,2,3}_, IMMT2_TM_TEST_{P,Y}_EXC.
- only I phase signals are checked (I and Q are well tuned using external oscillator)
diaggui data can be found /users/kokeyama/asc/diaggui/20200406/