I have updated NB for PRFPMI on Mar 9, 2020.
The NoiseBudgetter configuration file lives in
* Shot noise
- Updated to use Aso calculation in klog #13475. Cavity pole was set to 22.2 Hz (previously 22 Hz). I got this number from DARM reconstruction filter (from FM2 filter in K1:CAL-CS_PROC_DARM_FILT_INVC).
- Modeled with 7.4e-20*(1+(freq/cavity_pole)**2)**0.5.
- Shot noise based on Enomoto-kun's calculation scaled with current power (see klog #13481), and theoretical calculation based on (see klog #13485), and Aso-san's measurement agree within 30% (see attached).
* MICH and PRCL coupling
- I used /users/yokozawa/Data/PRFPMI/MICH_PRCL_TO_DARM/200312/TF_MICH_DARM_200312.txt
and /users/yokozawa/Data/PRFPMI/MICH_PRCL_TO_DARM/200312/F_PRCL_DARM_200312.txt
are used for coupling function and K1:LSC-MICH_IN1_DQ and K1:LSC-PRCL_IN1_DQ as witness channels.
- see klog #13518
* Type A controls noise
- I didn't updated this but someone please!
- see klog #13508
I also added comments to each noise (Thank you Shoda-san for the bug fix!)