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masayuki.nakano - 16:13 Wednesday 19 February 2020 (13052) Print this report
Optical gain calibration

I measured the TF from SLOW_DAQ to MIXER_DAQ of IMC servo. The result is attached.

The configuration of the measurement is as follows:

IN1 gain = -21 dB
PSL output power: 5.2 W
IMC_REFL: maximized with 5.2 W PSL output
actuator: only PZT

The calibrated optical gain is

60 dB / (-21 dB) / (3 MHz/V) = 71 dB V/MHz

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yoichi.aso - 23:33 Wednesday 19 February 2020 (13058) Print this report

Combined with the TF measurement reported in klog13027 , the optical gain of CARM can be calculated.

Bottom line

In a nutshell, the CARM optical gain C can be calculated as C = Cmc*Tc, where Cmc is the optical gain of MC and Tc is the TF from the IMC AO path input to the CARM error signal.

Cmc = 71dB = 3550 [V/MHz]

Tc = 80dB*(1e3/f) = 1e7/f [cnts/V]

Therefore, the CARM optical gain is: C = 3.6e10/f [cnts/MHz]

Why C = Cmc*Tc ?

The injected signal (s1) into the MC AO path is attenuated by 1/(1+Gmc), where Gmc is the OPLG of MC.

Gmc = Cmc*L*Smc, where L is the frequency actuation efficiency (3MHz/V) and Smc is the TF of the MC servo board.

The actual frequency change of the laser df is: df = L*Smc*s1/(1+Gmc) = s1/Cmc within the control bandwidth of MC (Gmc >> 1).

The CARM error signal s2 is: s2 = C*df = C*s1/Cmc.

Therefore, Tc =s2/s1 = C/Cmc  => C = Cmc*Tc.

yoichi.aso - 0:32 Thursday 20 February 2020 (13061) Print this report

Correction to the result.

When Tc was measured, the anti-whitening filter was not engaged. This filter has a flat gain of -20dB above 100Hz. So, Tc is actually 20dB larger than the measured value.

That is, Tc = 100dB@1kHz.

With this correction, the optical gain of CARM is C = 3.6e5/f [cnts/Hz]

yoichi.aso - 1:55 Thursday 20 February 2020 (13062) Print this report

I put a DTT template to show the calibrated CARM signal in Hz/rtHz and m/rtHz (using dL = df*L/f) in the following place:


yoichi.aso - 2:20 Thursday 20 February 2020 (13063) Print this report

Now, K1:LSC-CARM_RESIDUAL_OUT is a calibrated CARM error signal.

Depending on the filter enabled in the K1:LSC-CARM_RESIDUAL filter bank, the unit can be either Hz or m.

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