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MIF (Noise Budget)
tomotada.akutsu - 13:20 Monday 17 February 2020 (12998) Print this report
CARM contribution to DARM noise
Michimura, Akutsu

Continued from 12958; using the results in this post, we implemented the real time curves of the CARM contribution to DARM (Fig 1). At a glance, it matches to the sensitivity curve above 300 Hz, but please note that the transfer function on which the estimation curve is calculated did not have nice coherence below 1kHz (The data is save at /users/akutsu/play/20200214/). But no coherence... see Fig 2.

Note: due to the change of the calibration factor for DARM sensitivity, the CARM to DARM transfer function should be modified accordingly, later, now.

One thing we learnt is that the zpk format for the diaggui's calibration corresponds to "n"-type foton format.
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