Nakano, Enomoto, T. Yamamoto, Takano, Yokozawa, Akutsu
After 12875, we input the zpk parameters into the corresponding filter bank for MICH feed forward, and it worked very well!! Someone would take nice photos.
To implement the real digital filter, we needed not only the zpk parameters of the filter from MICH to DARM, but also DARM to test mass mirror, as we would like to subtract noise by actually actuating the test mass mirror. The transfer function
was already measured by Kozakai-san on around Feb 4, and we believed that this part of the transfer function would not vary so much since then, and just used it to do fitting to obtain required zpk parameters for foton. We also added low-pass and high-pass filters to limit the feed forwarding bandwidth within the coherent frequency range. I modofied the LPF and HPF so that the pass freqency rage would not have improper ripples within the pass band.