[miyoki, Nakano, Kokeyama]
About PRG
We checked the ideal power recycling gain (PRG) and compare the present obtained PRG (~ over 10 ) in KAGRA.
Power Reflectance and Transmittance Setting
PRM: r = sqrt(0.9), t=sqrt(0.1)
FP Cavity Power Reflectance : 0.99 (for X), 0.9917 (for Y) assuming 0.44% and 0.48 transmittance for ITMX, ITMY (Kagra Doc 9173) and 0.9999 for both ETMs with loss less. I used 0.99 in the following cal.
Loss due to AR surface of ITMs and BS : 0.002 * 4 (for X), 0.002*2 (for Y). I used 0.008 in the following cal..
Rough Estimation
PRG = 28. We originally have factor 3 times margin. According to preliminary report from nakano-kun, the power enhancement in Y FP was 12, 10 for X.
The corresponding loss is 0.075, for Y, 0.09 for X.
According to 10369, 0.095 for Y and 0.07 for X due to birefringence ! There seemed to be swapping ??
Some Questions
P can resonate inside FP ?
P can also resonate in PRC ? Because of low finess of PRG, P has a room to resonate on the resonance shoulder if P part has extra phase shift due to BS reflection/transmission compared with S part.
Although we almost confirmed S -> P conversion, how about P -> S conversion during circulation inside PRC ? This is very confusing to estimate the power enhancement in PRC and FP cavity.