DHARD CHARD PIT sensing was measured.
FPMI with MICH asc, not arm dither ASC
osc 50 cts, 0.1Hz
Scripts and data are /users/Commissioning/scripts/asc, /users/Commissioning/data/2019/...as usual.
REFL1 17I, REFL1 45I, REFL2 17I, REFL2 45I, REFL1 17Q, REFL1 45Q, REFL2 17Q, REFL2 45Q, AS1 17Q, AS1 28Q, TMSX1, TMSX2, TMSY1, TMSY2
0.6200 -2.5000 0.9623 5.2000 -0.2967 4.8667 10.7333 -10.5333 -3.9333 1.3333 -0.0005 0.0015 -0.0005 0.0024
-2.1667 2.1667 4.6333 -4.3000 0.8300 -8.9333 -0.4667 13.6667 1.1067 -0.1083 0.0002 -0.0000 0.0002 -0.0001
- I and Q seem to be flipped for common and differential.
- Since AS WFS2 is not available, it is not clear if AS signals (separations) are better or not.
- REFL WFS1/2 RF 45 have large signals, however, common and differential are not diagonalized?
- I didn't pay attention to TMS very much.Maybe we revisit this matrix when we do SOFT.
Maybe sensors should be:
CHRD => 2*REFL2 17Q + REFL1 17Q
DHARD => 2*REFL1 17I - REFL2 17I
Actually this input matrix seems good! See the attachment. CHARD error sees only CHARD exc, and DHARD error sees only DHARD exc. We can try to close the loops tomorrow. We must do for YAW too.