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AOS (Beam Reducing Telescopes)
tomotada.akutsu - 15:37 Saturday 30 November 2019 (11875) Print this report
Strange coupling at TMSX IR QPDs (3)

[Takano, Akutsu]

Continued from 11860


We injected low-freq peaks to the ITMX/ETMX to investigate the strange coupling of P/Y at the IR QPDs of TMSX. So far, it seems the coupling coefficients are different at the same QPD in the condition that ITMX or ETMX is shaken even in the same DoF, which means it would be difficult to resolve this issue by simply inserting a diagonalization matrix for pitch and yaw.

What we did

To conform the situation further, we actuated the ITMX and ETMX and observed the responses from the two QPDs at the TMSX; the trials were all done with FPMI_LOCKED state today (though only we needed was Xarm only :) ) We firstly checked things one by one (the parameters are {E|I}TMX and {PITCH|YAW}), and took some data, but/and finally we shook all of them at once with different frequencies; see Fig 1. The excitations were injected from K1:VIS_{E|I}TMX_MN_LOCK_{P|Y}_EXC; for ITMX gain = 400, while for ETMX gain =80 at awggui. ITMX-PITCH: 0.10Hz, ITMX-YAW: 0.12Hz, ETMX-PICH: 0.09Hz, ETMX-YAW: 0.15Hz (see Fig 2).

Thanks to the stable lock of the interferometer, we could take a long data to distinguish those close frequency peaks (13:44 JST to 14:15 JST); ended by down of the interferometer.


  • Comparing the peaks, we can find the coulping coefficients are different at the same QPD in the condition that we actuated ITMX or ETMX in the same DoF!! (for exampl, even at the same QPD, you will obtain different coupling coefficient from yaw to pitch when you actuate ITMX and ETMX in pitch.) That means it will not be possible to resolve the coupling issue by a simple diagonalization matrix.When we did this one by one at 0.1Hz, we saw the coupling coefficients were consistent (later the numbers should be shown) with this all-at-once test, so I don't think the difference of the coefficients would be due to the difference of the frequencies at which each mirror was actuated...
  • Crazy thing: looking at the 0.15Hz peaks (excited by ETMX-yaw), QPD2 shows even more pitch (green) than yaw (brown), while QPD1 shows an ordinary behavior (more yaw (blue) than pitch (red)).
  • By the way, during the measurements, we found K1:VIS_BS_TM_OPLEV_PIT_DIAGMON showed very similar fluctuation w/ those QPDs, while the Yaw did not. So I checked their coherence. (Fig 3) What is this???? It is interesting that even the frequency at which ETMX was shaken, there is ~1 coh. (especially in pitch). We actually saw the flow of beat-ish signal in the BS oplev pitch channel shown always in the display at the control room, and that's why we could discover this.

We have no idea sad

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Comments to this report:
tomotada.akutsu - 0:15 Sunday 01 December 2019 (11879) Print this report

Note that I am so lazy that I don't investigate the signs of the coefficient so far. So only the absolute values of the coupling coefficients from the spactra are shown here...

The definition is

| TMS QPD PItch |   |  1           Y2P |   | Test Mass Pitch |

|                           | = |                      |   |                           |

| TMS QPD Yaw  |    |  P2Y       1    |   | Test Mass Yaw   |

If the coupling is just a geometrical rotation of the plain of the beam cross secrtion, at least the absolute value of Y2P and P2Y should be the same in theory. But such a condition was not fulfilled according to our measurements (for QPD1, it might be fulfilled, but for QPD2, it would be difficult).

Anyway, the numbers are (note again that they are all just absolute values!! The signs should be considered.):

P2Y 0.396 0.183
Y2P 0.409 0.155


P2Y 0.919 0.566
Y2P 0.556 1.935
  • As previsouly mentined, even at the same QPD, P2Y for ITMX and ETMX differs, and so do for Y2P. It is hard to resolve this issue by a simple diag matrix. This would be an supportive evidence that this coupling is not the matter of electronics (leak to each segment or so) nor software (mis-wireing in the model or so). Maybe due to optical something...
  • On QPD2, ETMX's Y2P is larger than 1, which is crazy... ITMX's P2Y as well.
  • Stability: comparing to the previous trial (11832), the numbers on QPD2 are consistent, but those for QPD1 are slightly changed (about 1.1 times). Why?
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