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MIF (ITF Control)
masayuki.nakano - 11:31 Thursday 05 September 2019 (10348) Print this report
SRFPMI commissioning

- Modulation frequency did not change anything drastically. Even I changed the seed frequency by 300 Hz, the error signals of MICH and SRCL are contaminated by the arm cavity resonance.

- I measured a spectrum with each modulation frequency. They are shown in the attached file. No difference can be seen between the spectra with nominal (+/- 200 Hz) modulation frequencies. I don't know the peak 400 Hz comes from.
- I checked the REFL_RF51I/Q with the following configuration:
 * No light on PD -> No signal
 * Single bounce from an ITM -> No signal
 * pure MICH -> only Q phase has a signal ( Here, I adjusted the demodulation phase)
 * SRY -> I/Q has a signal
 * SRYarm -> I/Q has a signal and both signals are contaminated by the cavity resonance. Q signal seems to be contaminated more than I.
 * MICH with Yarm -> No contamination from the resonance.
- The contamination might come from the carrier and 3rd-order sideband.
So I stopped to investigate it and changed the strategy as follows:
1. Lock the MICH with Yarm by using ALS, and SRM is misaligned. (MICH is locked at the bright fringe for the AS. Not in mid-fringe as like Virgo.)
2. Bring the SRM to aligned position gradually. And at some point, start to feedback to the SRM.
It works more or less. I attached the IR trans and the MICH and SRCL error signals. I tried several times and all the time, the lock seems to faile by a glitch-ish signal in SRCL error signal. 
I guess it might be a mode hop, but still, we need an investigation.
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Comments to this report:
yutaro.enomoto - 21:44 Thursday 05 September 2019 (10361) Print this report

By the way, how did you conclude that the structure around 400 Hz comes from the arm cavity resonance?
What does the trace labeled as 'OFF resonance' show? This trace also shows similar structure.
If this trace is SRC signal when the arm cavity is kept off-resonance, it means that similar structure still exists even the resonance of the arm cavity is far way. Is this correct?

Can it come from frequency noise coupling?
The story can be the following:
- frequency noise is enhanced around 400 Hz possibly due to small phase or gain mergin there
- since SRCL is ~20 times susceptible to frequency noise, only SRC signal shows this structure. (SRC length is ~ 66m, Schnupp asymmetry of MICH is ~3.3m).

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