[Nakano, Michimura]
X arm finesse was measured to be 1402 (ITMX 120 K, ETMX 118 K).
Only measured once due to laziness.
I modified the finesse fitting code to fit the data with
fitfunc = @(p,x) p(1).*exp(-(x-p(2))/p(3))+p(4)
instead of
fitfunc = @(p,x) p(1).*exp(-(x-p(2))/p(3))+trans(end)
to fit the offset also.
The code lives in /kagra/Dropbox/Personal/Commissioning/201905/ArmRingDownFit.m or https://www.dropbox.com/s/56thgkorjrac32f/ArmRingDownFit.m?dl=0
I tried fitting past data and found that this will reduce the standard deviation by half.
The effect to the finesse itself is ~10 when the finesse is ~1400.
History of past finesse vs temperature measurements are also attached.